Sycamore, IL Family Photographer | Matt, Laura, Livvy, Grace, Madelyn, & Jane
Sycamore, IL Family Photographer
Matt & Laura and their kiddos just moved up to Illinois from New Mexico back in June and they wanted to commemorate their first season in the Midwest with a photo shoot. In Laura’s words from a text that literally made me snort with laughter, “We’re having family pictures taken because I have my doubts we’ll survive the Winter coming from New Mexico.” Haha! I probably shouldn’t be surprised that we’ve had some unseasonably early snow and cold this year (it’s in fact snowing as I type this post)! A good ‘ole Midwest welcome to these newbies! XD
I felt so refreshed by this session in a lot of ways. First of all, I was in awe of how well these four girls got along! I’m sure every day home life is different and they have their moments like any siblings do, but I really got a sense during the shoot that they generally have a good time together. They laughed and joked with each other during our shoot, and if any of them suggested something for a pose they all were on board without any apparent annoyance at the sibling making the suggestion. This inspired great hope for me with my kiddos, who are all young enough to still like each other, that when they’re in their teenage years they can still be good buddies. Another thing that stuck out to me was how much Matt and Laura genuinely enjoy their kids and just let them be who they are. I’m fully aware of how stressful photo shoots can be for families (especially when very young kids are involved), and I’m all about letting kids be themselves instead of forcing them into happy, smiley, perfect pictures. I really felt like Matt and Laura embraced this without me even having to say anything. They let the girls be silly, entertained their posing ideas, and even joined in with the joking. I felt like I was receiving a lesson in parenting…that it’s okay to let your kids be kids EVEN during times that you’d normally consider “serious”, and it’s okay for us parents to participate in and enjoy their kid-ness. The final thing that I really loved about this shoot was being able to see the Midwest through fresh eyes. I’ve lived here my whole life, and I’ve taken for granted how beautiful this area is. But hearing from Laura’s perspective, who has spent a good portion of her life in the desert, how much she loves the landscape around here has really made me pause, look around, and notice just how lovely it is. Thank you guys for all of these little insights and inspirations!
Now for the pictures. :D