DeKalb, IL Family Photographer | Danny, Stephanie, Grace, Rory, & Pups
90% of the time, I get to photograph some of the happiest times in people's lives, but every once in awhile, a session is bittersweet. Danny and Stephanie are fellow photographers, and the reason I was photographing their family was because their dog, Canon (the white pup below), had just been diagnosed with lymphoma and they had no idea how much time he had left. As it turned out, just a few days after our shoot (just over a week after his diagnosis) he passed away. It was tough putting this post together knowing these guys are grieving the loss of their sweet pup. I am so thankful I was available on short notice for this bunch!
It was pretty hot and the dogs were having a tough time, so we let them roam for a bit and grabbed some pictures of the humans (Danny, Grace, Stephanie, & Rory).
Ahhh, Rory, you sweetie!
Danny said, "Let's get a nice one of me with the kids because I'm never in pictures!" and Grace was like "I'm gonna be Superman!" Hahahahaha! Kids slay me.
Gorgeous momma. <3
You know I needed to grab a couple of just mom and dad!!
And some individuals of Grace and Rory!
Thank you guys so much for trusting me with your sweet memories!! <3