Stephanie & Chad : DeKalb, IL Engagement Photograpy

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!!  Judging from some of the diamonds that popped up in my Facebook feed over the past couple of days, it looks like some of you had a VERY Merry Christmas!! ;)In the spirit of love, here are a few images from my most recent engagement session with Stephanie and Chad!  I'm so honored to be joining them for their wedding in September!! dekalbILengagement_01

dekalbILengagement_02 I can't get over how cute they are!!!dekalbILengagement_03  dekalbILengagement_04




dekalbILengagement_07Loooove this image!!  We were actually all done with the session and walking back the car when the light got all awesome.  Thanks for indulging me guys! :) dekalbILengagement_09


Happy Wednesday!